Even though Andrew Tate is on trial for alleged sex crimes, the controversial social media influencer continues to fire up his toxic fanbase. Tate, a former kickboxer and current content creator, is at the center of the “manosphere”, continually releasing content that has two goals: encourage men to treat women poorly and convince men to send Tate money.
As such he’s a controversial figure on social media and it’s easy to see why people are continually demanding he be banned from various platforms, as Tate is on record saying several things that seem to infringe most websites’ terms of service. In fact, several charities have demanded TikTok remove the content, with Amelia Handy, policy lead at Rape Crisis England and Wales, revealing her thoughts on his TikTok videos to The Daily Mail:
“These videos are a clear example of rape culture, where rape and sexual violence are minimized and survivors are blamed for crimes committed against them. Sexual violence does not exist in a vacuum, it is very much rooted in the sexist belief that women and girls are less valuable than men and boys. It is therefore deeply concerning that young people have access to content that teaches just this and makes sexual abuse seem normal. TikTok has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of its users: by allowing these videos on their platform they are failing to protect the millions of young people who use their app.”
However, these aren’t the only offensive and controversial things Tate has said previously. Here are 15 of the worst things that Andrew Tate has come out with.
Content Warning: The following comments contain misogyny and mentions of sexual violence.
15. “I like Eastern Europe as a whole because corruption is more accessible.”
In a practical admission of wanting to be corrupt, Tate praises Romania for being in what he believes is a corrupt region, allegedly so that he can partake in said corruption. In a later video, he expanded on his claim, stating that 40% of the reason why he moved to Romania is because women have a more difficult time proving if they were raped.
14. “Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.”
We admit, we are including this on the list because it is as big of a self-own as it is an idiotic statement about climate change denial. The quote, taken from a Twitter post directed at climate activist Greta Thunberg, set her up for crafting one of the greatest takedowns in the site’s history.
13. “I have a sister. We don’t really talk. She goes to feminist rallies and believes Trump’s a racist. How can Andrew Tate have a low IQ sister?”
Tate has often spoken poorly of his sister because of her political affiliation. He also speaks poorly of this mother, which is noted further down on this list.
12. “Books are a total waste of time.”
Tate’s message here is not based on a bad idea as he is trying to say that people learn from their experiences in life but it turns into an anti-education rant and suggests that one can never learn anything from books. He has also stated that he is the world’s most intelligent man.
11. “I will not administer CPR unless you’re a hot female… If you’re some fat dude and you just had a heart attack and I don’t really know you, you’re gonna die… No, not even if you’re a friend.”
If there’s one thing that encapsulates the banality of evil, it is knowing how to do CPR, yet letting your own friend die because you “ain’t gay.” That is exactly the explanation Tate gave for his plan to withhold any emergency medical services to those around him unless they are “a hot female,” as our partner site Dot Esports pointed out.
10. “If you put yourself in a position to be r***d, you must bare [sic] some responsibility.”
Part of a Twitter rant about the Harvey Weinstein case, this entire rant was controversial due to its misogynistic and victim-blaming elements.
9. “This belief does discredit as a whole. Stick to the serious definitions and stop pretending normal male behavior is r***.”
Said during the previous Twitter rant, this statement also generated controversy, with several people condemning Tate’s words.
8. “My mother’s an idiot. I mean that with all due respect to her because she’s a nice lady.”
Andrew’s conclusion that his mother is an idiot is due to his mother not being tech-savvy and, apparently, her being against the way that he treats women.
7. “Why would you be with a woman whos not a virgin anyway [sic]? She is used goods. Second hand.”
Said during a 2014 interview, Tate told the press that this was him “jokingly mocking” a Russian kickboxer he was going to fight, arguing that the fighter “did the comments seriously in the Russian press [sic].” However, due to Tate’s other comments, many didn’t buy this excuse.
6. “So people defend depression. They get angry when I say this. Because they need this bulls*** to justify their own failures. By admitting I’m right, they need to work hard to make themselves happy. To avoid the work – argue with me and pretend depression is a thing.”
During a Twitter rant in 2017, Tate argued that depression and other mental health issues were “not real” while proving he didn’t fully understand the concepts he was talking about.
5. “By extension, if I have responsibility over her, then I must have a degree of authority.”
Tate’s opinions of women have always caused controversy, especially with him making many misogynistic comments during interviews. This comment was said during a Barstool Sports interview. Tate started by talking about how he treats women on a first date, before dropping this pointless statement.
4. “Any man who has sex with women because it ‘feels good’ is gay. In fact, if you are 40 with less than 5 children you’re probably gay.”
On his X account, Tate posted a bizarre rant about heterosexual men which doubled as a bizarre rant about gay men.
3. “One of the best things about being a man is being territorial and being able to say ‘that is mine.’”
During a live video debate with xQc, this statement further proved that Tate’s views on women and gender roles do not reflect modern conceptions of the two.
2. “I’m not a r****, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.”
Tate said this while he was being investigated concerning abuse allegations. The former kickboxer used this quote to explain why he moved to Romania, suggesting that he chose the country as he believed he could more easily get away with sexual crimes there.
1. “Read the Bible, every single man had multiple wives, not a single woman had multiple husbands. It’s against the will of God — it’s disgusting.”
Tate’s comments on women having multiple partners have also attracted controversy, further building on his other misogynistic comments.